About Us
We are all interested in research of all types of water craft of historic nature. This includes naval. working and other types of sea craft. We utilize national archives, museums and of course the invaluable internet to connect us to a world of information and inspiration. Our interests span the period of sailing vessels from the 1600's to 1900's. Within this span we are particularly interested in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War and WWI.
Model Building
Members engage in model building of kit form, kit bashing (uplifting of model construction authenticity, materials etc.) and "scratch". Scratch being a "ground up" construction usually with awareness of ship construction, use of traditional and exotic woods, at times casting of ship fittings and the like. We are delighted to have members who have historical models of significance on display in various venues in and around Washington DC, Virginia, Florida and elsewhere. Some members are well published in magazines germane to this subject.
Supported Venues
We began meeting in 2017 at the Military History Society Museum of Rochester New York. The executive director, Chuck Baylis has been an extraordinary enabler of our efforts. That's Chuck in the background and in the foreground is a partial view of the USS Langley, the first aircraft carrier, now on display at the Smithsonian in D.C., at the Udvar Hazey Center. The model was built by one of our members. Another model, A group build of a Viet Nam era River Patrol Boat by members has been completed and is undergoing further construction in a diorama setting.. Please see
"Topics of Interest" on this web site to learn more on this project.
We now meet at Continual Care Solutions in Pittsford NY on the 3rd Thursday of the month, January through May and September through November starting at & PM Eastern time.